Monday, March 22, 2010

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Posted by uthiedcni at 12:11 AM
Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2
Nama : Sita Ekasari Putri
NPM : 50406867
Kelas : 4IA07

1.George / is cooking / dinner / tonight
subject / verb phrase/ complement / modifier of time

2.Henry and Marcia / have visited / the president
subject / verb phrase / complement

3. We/ eat / lunch /in this restaurant/ today
subject/ verb phrase / complement/ modifier of place/ modifier of time

4. Pat/ should have bought/ gasoline /yesterday
subject/ verb phrase/ complement/ modifier of time

5. Trees/ grow
subject/ verb phrase

6. It/ was raining /at seven o'clock this morning
subject/ verb phrase / modifier of time

7. She/ opened/ her book
subject/ verb phrase/ complement

8. Harry/ is washing / dishes /right now
subject/ verb phrase/ complement/ modifier of time

9. She / opened /her book
subject/ verb phrase/ complement

10. Paul, William, and Mary/ were watching / television/ a few minutes ago
subject/ verb phrase/ complement/ modifier of time

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Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2
Nama : Sita Ekasari Putri
NPM : 50406867
Kelas : 4IA07

1.George / is cooking / dinner / tonight
subject / verb phrase/ complement / modifier of time

2.Henry and Marcia / have visited / the president
subject / verb phrase / complement

3. We/ eat / lunch /in this restaurant/ today
subject/ verb phrase / complement/ modifier of place/ modifier of time

4. Pat/ should have bought/ gasoline /yesterday
subject/ verb phrase/ complement/ modifier of time

5. Trees/ grow
subject/ verb phrase

6. It/ was raining /at seven o'clock this morning
subject/ verb phrase / modifier of time

7. She/ opened/ her book
subject/ verb phrase/ complement

8. Harry/ is washing / dishes /right now
subject/ verb phrase/ complement/ modifier of time

9. She / opened /her book
subject/ verb phrase/ complement

10. Paul, William, and Mary/ were watching / television/ a few minutes ago
subject/ verb phrase/ complement/ modifier of time


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